hondenwandeling in Arnhem

Dog walk in Arnhem

Do you want to walk more relaxed with your dog? Join our unique dog walk in Arnhem! It involves 5 walks with a maximum of 8 dogs with their owner. Two dog behaviourists are present to guide them. The focus during the walks is on handling and ignoring other dogs.

The walks take place in Arnhem and start at 3.00 pm. Registration is only possible for the entire trajectory. Please check below if you meet the conditions for participation.


  • Tuesday, October 1
  • Tuesday, October 8
  • Tuesday, October 15
  • Tuesday, October 22
  • Tuesday, October 29

Time: 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Location: Arnhem (we start at the ‘Steenen Tafel’)
Costs for 5 lessons: € 125.00
Dog Behaviorists: Patrick Driessen and …
Registration: via this link

For whom is the dog walk suitable?

For dogs that:

  • are able to walk on a leash
  • are insecure around other dogs
  • exhibit busy and uncontrolled behavior as soon as they see another dog.

Both owner and dog must be able to walk at least 2.5 kilometers. There are also breaks at the place to take a break. The owner must be able to keep the dog with him. This is to ensure safety for everyone as much as possible.

Unfortunately, this range of dog walks is not suitable

for persons who use a wheelchair or mobility scooter. Due to the irregular terrain, it is important that you are good on your feet

What you will learn through the dog walks in the group

You will learn:

  • understanding your own dog better through observation more about communication between dogs
  • skills to guide your dog in dealing with difficult stimuli
  • apply commands on the go
  • to convey more relaxation to your dog from your own peace of mind.

Safety and rules

  • During the group walks, you walk together in a group, of course with sufficient distance from each other!
  • During the walks, the dogs remain on a leash.
  • If your dog pulls too much while walking, he can wear an anti-pull harness or a Halti
  • Dogs that have previously caused damage to other dogs or people are allowed to participate, provided they are muzzled. If your dog is not used to the muzzle, please contact us for more information on how to train the muzzle.
  • Each participant participates at their own risk.
  • You are responsible for your dog’s behavior, also during these walks.
  • If your dog reacts aggressively to other dogs, depending on the level of aggression, it may first be necessary to follow a behavior consultation or private lesson. We then work towards shadowing in a group.

Do you have any questions or would you like more information? Please contact Patrick Driessen via the contact form and you can register via this link.

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